Command Terms Understood

Command Terms Understood

Help Sofia understand the command terms used on psych exams!!! She needs a 7 to get into her top choice!!! HELP SOFIA GET A 7  

Mock Exam Date Change!

Mock Exam Date Change!

IB Psychology that meets in S-18:  Day 1–assessing paper 2– of Final Exam/Mock is Wednesday, April 18 (a day 5) Day 2–assessing Paper 3 for HL and ONLY a Paper 1: Long Essay (22pt) question for SL– of Final Exam/Mock is Monday, April 23 (a day 8) at 8:30am. 

How do we help people become healthier? Evaluating health promotion models

How do we help people become healthier? Evaluating health promotion models

Download the learning helper linked here: Understanding Effective Models of Health Promotion  Utilize our class google doc (found on the health psych page) as well as this resource extracted from an Albert Bandura article: Bandura on Health belief model chart  to understand the following two learning outcomes: 

Analyzing AA: Evaluating treatment programs

Analyzing AA: Evaluating treatment programs

Read the incredibly interesting Atlantic article titled, “The Irrationality of Alcoholics Anonymous” linked here: While reading, fill out the following chart: AA Analyzed with the the goal of addressing the learning outcome, “Examine prevention strategies and treatments for substance abuse and addictive behavior”

The new science of addiction

The new science of addiction

Check out the study below by Nora Volkow et al. (2011): This research aligns with much of the work Volkow has been doing for much of the past 15 years. Her goal is to treat addicts. Like everything in treatment, treatment is most effective 

Exercise mitigates stress…but why?

Exercise mitigates stress…but why?

Utilize the resources below with the goal of answering the question posed by this post! Read this post from the American Psychological Association (APA) discussing the ways in which exercise can decrease the physiological effects of stress Watch this quick discussion by Dr. Thompson at UCLA 

Creating Jeopardy Questions like a boss

Creating Jeopardy Questions like a boss

  Because creating test questions is great review, and because playing jeopardy is fun, we’re going to combine the two (Pen+pineapple = pineapple-pen style) into one amazing review activity! Creating Jeopardy Questions like A BOSS

Understanding CBT

Understanding CBT

We’ve discussed CBT (cognitive behavior therapy) at length in class! However we’ve mostly discussed the theory behind it as well as discussed the ways in which CBT dovetails with cognitive psychologist’s views of mood and anxiety disorder etiology.  But, you need to understand what CBT looks 

Investigating Social Etiology of Depression

Investigating Social Etiology of Depression

  As you know, the etiology of depression is a nuanced and complicated thing.  This post will require you to analyze the social and environmental etiological elements of the disorder. Brown and Harris (1978) developed the vulnerability model after their research found that those with 

Want to be smarter? Take a test?

Want to be smarter? Take a test?

Read the piece in the NY Times below elucidating research conducted by researchers at Purdue University regarding the role of test taking in moving information from short to long term memory. While reading the piece, and at the conclusion of reading, consider the following: