A Research Crisis in Psychology?!

A Research Crisis in Psychology?!

There has been A LOT of press recently (as well as nerdy argumentation) regarding the extent to which psychological science is suffering from terrible research. Why is this a problem? Because Psychology claims to be a science and bases it’s claims, theories and postulates on 

Self Assessing the Internal Assessment

Self Assessing the Internal Assessment

Self Assessment may seem redundant, but it is different than a second draft or rewriting an element. It is focused, metacognitive, and often yields information useful to the writer!  We’ll leverage the power of self assessment throughout the internal assessment process! Introduction Self Assessment: IA intro 

Working on Your Internal Assessment: The Introduction

Working on Your Internal Assessment: The Introduction

Well.  Here we are!  Internal Assessment time!  Don’t worry! This will be fun! Especially since we’re going to do it together! View post on imgur.com   Seriously though.  You’re gonna be fine.  The KEY however is staying on top of the progression.  Today you’re earning 

Socio Cultural Level of Analysis: Test TIME!!

Socio Cultural Level of Analysis: Test TIME!!

The following are learning outcomes you should study for the SCLOA Unit Exam:  Discuss the  use of compliance techniques Evaluate research on conformity to group norms explain social learning theory making reference to two relevant studies Examine the role of two cultural dimensions on behavior 

You call that happy!? Cultural differences in Emotion

You call that happy!? Cultural differences in Emotion

Happiness. It seems like something that should be constant and consistent across cultures; however ETIC studies such as those by Dr. Tsai have indicated otherwise!  Read the great summary article below on her work at Stanford on culture, emotion and the role that culture plays 

Thinking Critically in IB Psych!!!

Thinking Critically in IB Psych!!!

Excellent, if i do say so myself, learning helper designed to increase your proficiency at critical thinking in an IB psychology context!!! Critical Thinking in IB Psychology  

Marketing Compliance

Marketing Compliance

Compliance refers to the act of responding favorably to a request by others. The request may be explicit, such as a direct request for a charity donation, or implicit, such as an advertisement promoting some product without directly asking for a purchase. In all cases, 

A Psychological Legitimization of Link Crew

A Psychological Legitimization of Link Crew

The Boomerang Project (linkable) and it’s Link Crew initiative provide a lot of information on the fact that Link Crew WORKS! But they don’t provide much information explaining WHY it works! Thus, Task: Your task is to provide a research based psychological legitimization and rationalization for 

Why are we Evil Online?

Why are we Evil Online?

Read the following piece from WIRED magazine on why we are more likely to bully, abuse and confront others online. While reading, make sure to reflect on what you know about social psychology: http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2013-05/30/online-aggression

Dissecting My Disposition

Dissecting My Disposition

We’ve discussed the role that SITUATIONAL factors play in determining behavior, however we haven’t discussed the role that dispositional factors play.  Our disposition, includes traits that are own to us. The investigation of such traits is in itself it’s own sub set of psychological inquiry,