PTSD Understood: A multi-media journey

PTSD Understood: A multi-media journey

PTSD is the anxiety disorder that we investigate and study to satisfy the “anxiety disorder” component of the IB psychology learning outcomes. Your Task:  You must go online to discover 1 article as well as 1 youtube video that elucidates the symptoms of PTSD but 

Psychological Basis of the Boomerang Project’s Link Crew initiative

Psychological Basis of the Boomerang Project’s Link Crew initiative

A Psychological Legitimization of Link Crew   The Boomerang Project and it’s Link Crew initiative provide a lot of information on the fact that Link Crew WORKS! But they don’t provide much information explaining WHY it works! Thus, Task: Your task is to provide a 

Rethinking Milgrim and Obedience

Rethinking Milgrim and Obedience

Perhaps the most famous experiment in all of cognitive and social psychology, Stanley Milgrim’s Obedience Research has been replicated in various cultures, times and context.  However his original research is getting looked at in a new light given the opening of his archives at YALE. 

Old Solutions to Old Problems:  Why we haven’t created any new drugs

Old Solutions to Old Problems: Why we haven’t created any new drugs

Read the article linked below, written by Dr. Richard Friedman of Cornell University on the lack of innovation in psychiatric drugs then answer the following questions: 1.  Given that so many americans are diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder at some point in their lives 

Research Methods Review

Research Methods Review

Ib Psych’ers!  Below you’ll find a link to a review activity on key research methods terms! Do it. Research Terms Reviewed and Defined

Are you as smart as Harvard Psychologist Steven Pinker?! + Some words on Cheesecake

Are you as smart as Harvard Psychologist Steven Pinker?! + Some words on Cheesecake

In partnerships, Take the FUN quiz below created from factoids contained in Pinker’s various best selling works on psychology and see how you do!

Shrink your plate to shrink your stomach: Research on anchoring and the social effects on eating

Shrink your plate to shrink your stomach: Research on anchoring and the social effects on eating

  Some amazing studies have been conducted by Brian Wansink, professor at Cornell University and Author of the book, “Mindless Eating.”  His famous, “endless soup” bowl study is linked below and illustrates the role of visual cues in hunger. His equally famous “chinese buffet” 

Rat Park: An incredibly interesting experiment on the social and cognitive factors of addiction

Rat Park: An incredibly interesting experiment on the social and cognitive factors of addiction Read and document the above study (click the picture) on societal factors of addiction! It’s really incredible! But makes intuitive sense! After reading, answer the following questions: What social psychology principals come to mind while contemplating the results of the study? What other 

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body

A Healthy Mind can often lead to a healthy body and certainly vice versa due to the bi-directionality of wellness.  Your task is to understand the cognitive, social and Physiological factors of obesity and then design a prevention program grounded in psychological rationale and research.  

Effective Treatments for Addictive Behavior

Effective Treatments for Addictive Behavior

Addiction has biological, psychological and social origins.  Like all aspects of psychology, it’s crucial to understand etiology in order to design a proper treatment approach.  Read the following research regarding treatment approaches to addiction and complete the linked assignment below.  Changing Addictive Behaviors: A Process