Mock Exam Date Change!

IB Psychology that meets in S-18: 

  • Day 1–assessing paper 2– of Final Exam/Mock is Wednesday, April 18 (a day 5)
  • Day 2--assessing Paper 3 for HL and ONLY a Paper 1: Long Essay (22pt) question for SL– of Final Exam/Mock is Monday, April 23 (a day 8) at 8:30am.

IB Psychology that meets in H-15 (small class):

  • Day 1–assessing paper 1 for SL students (22 point and three 8 points) & HL students (Paper 3 and 8 point section only of Paper 1) of Final Exam/Mock is Monday, April 16 (a day 3; exam will run into lab block)
  • Day 2–assessing paper 2 of Final Exam/Mock is Wednesday, April 18 (day 5)

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