What We Have Been Discussing

You Decide: Understanding Reconstruction and devising a path to Equality

You Decide: Understanding Reconstruction and devising a path to Equality

Although the victory of the North in the American Civil War was certainly a step towards equality, there was still much work to be done in the service of achieving true equality between blacks and whites in America. This crucial period of time after the 

Understanding the Importance of Belonging

Understanding the Importance of Belonging

The KEY takeaway in Social Psychology is the innate need to belong. This desire to be a part of groups has a profound impact on our behaviour in both positive and negative ways. Use the linked investigative learning activity below in order to acquire research 

Headlines in TOK and Blackholes of Knowledge

Headlines in TOK and Blackholes of Knowledge

Use the learning helper LINKED HERE to create some contemporary TOK insights!

Structured Inquiry: Using sources to identify causes of conflict and obstacles to equality.

Structured Inquiry: Using sources to identify causes of conflict and obstacles to equality.

Make a copy of the following linked document and utilize the resources provided, both primary and secondary, in order to answer the question, “What was the main cause of the American Civil War?” LEARNING HELPER LINKED HERE

Leading Discussions in US History: Empowering student led intellectual exploration

Leading Discussions in US History: Empowering student led intellectual exploration

Being able to engage in, and lead, intelligent discussion is an important skill. Not only do we learn better through collaborative conversations, but leading a discussion also empowers your individual curiosity and requires viewing a given stimulus through different perspectives – including your own. Open 

Are we prisoners of our genes? A research based debate in Psychology

Are we prisoners of our genes? A research based debate in Psychology

Nature vs. Nurture — the eternal debate in the human sciences and psychology. Of course you know it is a “dance” and not a dichotomy, however there are degrees and it is precisely these degrees that this experience is designed to facilitate your appreciation of! 

What rights are necessary for a maximally beneficial society? A historical inquiry

What rights are necessary for a maximally beneficial society? A historical inquiry

One of our essential questions for the protest unit is, “What rights are necessary for a maximally beneficial society?” IN order to understand this question we have learned about the perspectives of various political philosophers as well as looked at the American Bill of Rights 

Critical Thinking in an IB Context: Hormones

Critical Thinking in an IB Context: Hormones

Critical thinking on a Long Answer Question is a key skill that often separates the 7s from the 6s and the 6s from the 5s! Use this focused learning helper to refine and practice your skills: Hormones Focused Learning Helper

Investigating Issues of the American Constitution

Investigating Issues of the American Constitution

The American Constitution and Bill of Rights were simultaneously explicit and yet remained vague. This has created subsequent “issues” in regard to legislating and litigating what our rights as Americans can and should be. Your task is to investigate some of these issues by listening 

Necessary Rights: Understanding the Bill of Rights and Implications

Necessary Rights: Understanding the Bill of Rights and Implications

The right to protest is protected by the Constitution in amedments later added collectively called, “The Bill of Rights” These were proposed by James Madison and added in order to ensure protection of certain inalienable rights. Use the learning helper linked below to understand the