What We Have Been Discussing

Obstacles to Equality: Reflection on an essential Question

Obstacles to Equality: Reflection on an essential Question

Obstacles to Equality: What elements of society can create resistance to equality or prevent equality from obtaining? Your task is to utilize the learning helper linked below in order to reflect on and analyze this important essential question from our Equality unit! Obstacles to Equality 

Focused Assessment for learning: Critical Thinking in IB psychology

Focused Assessment for learning: Critical Thinking in IB psychology

Critical Thinking in IB psychology is commonly the most difficult markband in which to achieve high scores. Thus we are going to do a focused formative assessment for the purpose of refining your critical thinking skills ! Learning Helper linked below: Critical Thinking Practice: Treatment

Crockett (2010) and Caspi: Cultivating a holistic understanding of neurobiology and behaviour!

Crockett (2010) and Caspi: Cultivating a holistic understanding of neurobiology and behaviour!

In order to make connections across concept and curricular areas, engage in the learning helper LINKED HERE that will require you to do some conceptual triangulation between Molly Crockett’s work and our current investigation into the etiology of Depression

Unpacking the TOK Essay Titles!

Unpacking the TOK Essay Titles!

A HUGE part of the TOK essay writing PROCESS is “unpacking” the title. This process can be used to help you choose which title you want to write on as well as serve as the CRUCIAL first step of writing your final essay! Our process 

Depression Debate! Understanding Etiology

Depression Debate! Understanding Etiology

Understanding the etiology of mental disorders is of crucial importance. For if Doctors, psychiatrists and psychologists can understand etiology, they can develop and refine treatments. You have been investigating a variety of perspectives regarding depressive etiology, and like most psychological disorders, you understand that the 

Would you walk away? Reflecting on a utilitarian utopia

Would you walk away? Reflecting on a utilitarian utopia

In order to have a shared intellectual framework and language for our work this year, it is important that you understand two basic Ethical & Moral philosophies: **UTILITARIANISM**DEONTOLOGICAL (KANTIAN) In order to better understand each of these philosophical perspectives, complete the following learning helper: KANTIAN 

How do we Identify Injustice in the world? Are all protests JUST?

How do we Identify Injustice in the world? Are all protests JUST?

Many believe that the “Just-ness,” or legitimacy of a protest depends on if the protestors are fighting against an injustice. However in order to EVALUATE whether or not a protest is just, one must first have a concept of what “Justice” is and what a 

Are all Protests Just?

Are all Protests Just?

A few years ago, there was controversy in the United States around the removal of statues in public parks and government spaces that were identified as representing racism or oppression of minorities. While many people were in favor of the removal of such statues and 

Perspective Taking: Analyzing the origin of personal perspectives on controversial issues via case studies

Perspective Taking: Analyzing the origin of personal perspectives on controversial issues via case studies

Arguments arise from 2 or more individuals holding a different PERSPECTIVE on a given issue or topic. As you all know from experience, having an argument can be quite frustrating when you feel that the other person does not understand where you are coming from. 

Methods Exhibition Summative

Methods Exhibition Summative

The best way to get better at IB Assessments is to practice IB ASSESSMENTS!!! Thus your summative task for this mini unit of Scope / Methods is to curate another Exhibition!!! (cue DJ Horn sample). The link to your intellectual party is below: Scope /