What We Have Been Discussing

Methodologial MashUP

Methodologial MashUP

Methods and Tools is a very important element of the knowledge framework that we will focus on via the collaborative work linked below! Methodological MashUP

Immoral Inaction

Immoral Inaction

After watching, “The Accountant of Auschwitz” I want you now to apply your historical thinking to a modern context and consider the concept of “passive immorality.” Is it immoral to do nothing? This issue is at the heart of the Nazi War Crimes trials but 

How can you hate me when you don’t even know me?

How can you hate me when you don’t even know me?

Ending racism is certainly a beautiful goal and should be the goal of all civilized societies. However like most things worthwhile, doing so is much easier said than done! Your task is to watch the TED talk linked below in which Mr. Davis strives to 

The Gilded Age: Industrialization and the New Feudalism — Constructing knowledge through sources

The Gilded Age: Industrialization and the New Feudalism — Constructing knowledge through sources

The industrialization that occurred in both Western Europe and America during the 18th and 19th centuries changed society, culture and the course of humanity. Many of these long term changes were positive, however there were also many long term and proximate (short-term) changes that were 

Fight For Equality: Black Heroes of the Progressive Era

Fight For Equality: Black Heroes of the Progressive Era

As you’ve learned, there was much racism, oppression and violence in America after the Civil War perpetrated for the purpose of oppressing African Americans socially, politically and economically. Due to the fact it was clear few white people in power were willing to help, the 

The Avengers = Trash: Understanding Logical Fallacies

The Avengers = Trash: Understanding Logical Fallacies

Arguments are a huge part of life. You can’t likely go 3 hours without someone trying to convince you of….something. Therefore, it is important that you have the skills to recognize when an argument is Valid and when it is just noise designed to distract 

Psych PBL: Investigating queries of societal quirks

Psych PBL: Investigating queries of societal quirks

Society is complex. As are humans. In order to navigate this complexity we turn to our ingroups for support, guidance and information. The fact that humans are social creatures with an innate need to belong makes us incredibly social, but it also makes it susceptible 

Equality: Methods of oppression investigated: The Tulsa Massacre (1921)

Equality: Methods of oppression investigated: The Tulsa Massacre (1921)

Upon becoming “Free” black men and women in the united states were certainly not equal. In spite of the efforts of some members of the federal government to increase their equality by passing the Civil Rights Act of 1875 as well as the 13th and 

Application: Designing an Experiment

Application: Designing an Experiment


What is Freedom?

What is Freedom?

View and download this assignment, ” WHAT FREEDOM MEANS TO ME” and help us to understand the core elements of freedom which in turn will provide a framework to analyze governmental policy and legislation aimed at achieving, or restricting, freedom. We’ll also move into the