Artist or Artifice?

Artist or Artifice?

We’ve been discussing art as a concept as well as “quality” as a way of assessing art. You, my students, have so astutely agreed that originality, creativity, and technical skill are key components in art creation. Thus, consider the following excerpt from the linked article 

Oh you fancy huh?

Oh you fancy huh?

Read the study below by researchers at University College (London) regarding MRI scans in response to viewing art: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/art/art-news/8500012/Brain-scans-reveal-the-power-of-art.html After reading, consider the following:  Does this make art more worthwhile as a pursuit in your mind? Does this legitimize art as a human endeavor? What 

What is Art?

What is Art?

What is Art? This will be a central question as we explore this area of knowledge.  To frame our future conversations, open the linked PDF below, and discuss with a partner whether each of the items listed is indeed art or not! Art or NO?