Tag: worldhistory imperialism mercantilism japan commodoreperry

Independent research into Imperialism

Independent research into Imperialism

In order to better understand imperialism and its effects globally, engage in the learning helper linked HERE in which you’ll be required to research an example of imperialism and present the case to the class. In the process, you’ll also answer one of our four 

Mercantilism and Imperialism: The race for resources and markets

Mercantilism and Imperialism: The race for resources and markets

Key Learning Objectives today: Understand Mercantilism Understand the desire for colonies Understand what a “colony” is Understand the “secondary factors” regarding imperialism: racism; militarism; wars, etc. Learning task: Predict problems with mercantilism as an economic theory as well as colonialism as a national policy. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KCsjohKYRyDhYGONainR8xPYd__kDHO2uZwruUu4iFo/edit?usp=sharing