The Gilded Age: Industrialization and the New Feudalism — Constructing knowledge through sources

The industrialization that occurred in both Western Europe and America during the 18th and 19th centuries changed society, culture and the course of humanity. Many of these long term changes were positive, however there were also many long term and proximate (short-term) changes that were negative.
Your task is to use the resources listed below to learn about this period of history from the perspective of the WORKER. Each source has next to it a “Reflection Question” that you should keep in your mental focus as you read / watch / listen to the source. YOU MUST CHOOSE 1 FOCUS QUESTION TO WRITE A FORMAL ANSWER TO and email to Mr. Kuykendall before the start of next class (all sources are hyperlinks below)
The Life of an Industrial Worker in 19th century England — Focus questions, (1)”What would your attitudes towards the factory owners be?” (2) “What recourse (options) do you have as a worker if you desire more equality?”
America’s Gilded Age: Robber Barons and Captains of Industry Focus Question (1) Is wealth inequality of this level justified? If not, how can wealth be distributed more equally?
With Drops of Blood (read page 1 and 4 only) Focus Question (1) How does this document demonstrate efforts for equality? Who or what is the ENGINE of EQUALITY?
Crash Course History: Growth, Cities and Immigration Focus Question (1) In what NON ECONOMIC ways did industrialization change American society? Were these changes evidence of increasing social equality or did these changes reduce equality? Could you argue both?